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Farm Additions


We have had a busy weekend incorporating two new goats to the farm. We are proud to have San Gene GT Helios as our new herd sire and San Gene K Sweet Polly as our newest milking doe! This two goats should have us set up for our future ADGA Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goat herd. The plan is to get everyone on milk test this coming year, get in at least one show this summer and set ourselves up for a herd linear appraisal in 2019. I am also starting the process of becoming a DHIA verification tester for goat milk testing. I plan to serve Whidbey and Fidalgo Islands.

Helios and Snickers getting along wonderfully in the buck house. Helios is a wonderful big brother to little Snickers.

My newest milking doe, Sweet Polly. Her name fits her perfectly!

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